Vote Here

VOTING IS OPEN: Vote 1 time before January 29, 2015

Dear AAF-CC Member,

Thank you for nominating excellent local service professionals for this award. Please note the following before you enter:

  • Each official club member /COMPANY is allowed 1 vote. All members, no matter what level membership, are limited to  1 vote. If you have a corporate or company membership that allows multiple members, your company can only vote ONCE. Any multiple votes from the same company will NOT be counted.
  • Only one entry per category.
  • Once you submit your entry, you can not make any changes.
  • Please submit this form only once. Please make sure to fill in all categories you wish to vote for in one entry submission.
  • You are NOT required to enter all categories.
  • By submitting below, you agree that this is your official Big Wigs Corpus Christi vote. No changes can be made once your vote is cast. Once all votes are collected (voting ends Jan. 29, 2015) the nominees with the largest number of nominations will win their category. All nominees will be invited to attend the ADDYs® and Big Wigs Award show on February 20, 2015. Winners will be announced at the awards show.

Please see nomination form below.

Once your form is submitted, you will receive a confirmation of your votes within 48 hours.